Say NO to the Roundhill Wood Solar Power Station

Please spend a few minutes explaining why you object to the Roundhill Wood Solar Power Station and we will send your objection into Wychavon and Redditch Councils and copy in your local Councillors and MP.

You can also view the application here.

By clicking submit you are confirming that you are happy for us to share your data and comments with Wychavon and Redditch local councils, your local Councillors and MP and the Roundwood Solar Power Station Opposition Group.

What others have said:

"The unacceptable impact on the landscape of the area. This is a very large solar power plant that will be visible from many locations."

"The proposal erodes the character of this countryside location, experienced particularly by those who walk across the many public rights of way across the site."

"The proposal erodes the setting of various listed buildings around the perimeter of the site."

"The glint and glare from the solar panels damages this countryside location and has a detrimental impact on various homes close to the site."

"Unacceptable traffic impacts during the construction and use of the solar power plant."

Phil Coathup is the Roundhill Wood Solar Farm Opposition Group Chairman, and he can be contacted using the below.

Email -
Telephone - 07478414747